And once again

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Re: And once again

Unread post by Bootsy » Sun Mar 03, 2024 6:28 pm

Stonewall wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:55 pm
Sources tell me that the Chancellor could retire this year. I think she has done an outstanding job pushing the University forward across the board but if you think otherwise it’s ok , and I don’t care. I am concerned about her successor and the likelihood of someone less willing to stand up to the anti athletics crowd. Doug will look out after his best interests as he should and I have addressed DK elsewhere.
I think this is a legitimate concern, given what I hear from some friends currently serving on the (gulp) Faculty Senate. App has been blessed with a succession of Chancellors who recognize the value of athletic achievement to the overall mission of the university. That trend needs to continue.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by Rekdiver » Sun Mar 03, 2024 7:51 pm

Bootsy wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2024 6:28 pm
Stonewall wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:55 pm
Sources tell me that the Chancellor could retire this year. I think she has done an outstanding job pushing the University forward across the board but if you think otherwise it’s ok , and I don’t care. I am concerned about her successor and the likelihood of someone less willing to stand up to the anti athletics crowd. Doug will look out after his best interests as he should and I have addressed DK elsewhere.
I think this is a legitimate concern, given what I hear from some friends currently serving on the (gulp) Faculty Senate. App has been blessed with a succession of Chancellors who recognize the value of athletic achievement to the overall mission of the university. That trend needs to continue.
As long as the Chancellor is involved in the process I’d feel more comfortable

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Re: And once again

Unread post by 8993 » Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:05 pm

Say what you will about Everts, she has done a phenomenal job at pushing App forward over the past decade. In her time at App, she's overseen or hired leadership that has upgraded every single part of campus, including athletics. Hell, she has completely overhauled campus in more ways that one while keeping enrollment numbers above average AND opening a whole new campus for the university.

I'm not a fanboy for Everts, but she has converted me from a nonbeliever to a believer. In reality, if we stopped comparing her to her predecessors, mainly Peacock, we'd see that she has actually done a really great job at App. It's just that she doesn't have the warmth that we came to expect from leadership, but not everybody has to! All they HAVE to do is succeed. Plus, she loves App State athletics and that's something I can always applaud her for.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by appfanjj » Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:53 pm

I would trust Everts. I believe she understands the importance of athletics and the value that the App State brand brings to the university. Hopefully she will still be around if DG ever leaves.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by 704App » Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:11 pm

About the only thing I know about Everts is she politics with the state VERY well... Which is a reason why it's been teased 2025 is looking good for App with state budgets...

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Re: And once again

Unread post by Tru2ASU » Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:48 am

I'd have to look back, but if she does, that would be about the 6th chancellor in the state system to retire/resign over the last year.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by BeauFoster » Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:58 am

704App wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:11 pm
About the only thing I know about Everts is she politics with the state VERY well... Which is a reason why it's been teased 2025 is looking good for App with state budgets...
Sounds like she or her team may have dropped the ball when presenting the indoor facility, which is dragging way behind expected start date. And impacting everything else proposed to be built on that side of campus…
Give 'em hell!

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Re: And once again

Unread post by 704App » Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:11 am

BeauFoster wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:58 am
704App wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:11 pm
About the only thing I know about Everts is she politics with the state VERY well... Which is a reason why it's been teased 2025 is looking good for App with state budgets...
Sounds like she or her team may have dropped the ball when presenting the indoor facility, which is dragging way behind expected start date. And impacting everything else proposed to be built on that side of campus…
Was indoor facility on the table for state funding? Didn't think it was but no idea how any of this works.

It's been rumored other athletic facilities were not only on the table but also approved -- including the east facility.

No idea how this works but could pursuing the east facility funding be what slowed the indoor facility?

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Re: And once again

Unread post by appgrad95&97 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:22 am

There is a concern about the amount of debt these projects (at current funding levels) would require.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by BeauFoster » Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:28 am

704App wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:11 am
BeauFoster wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:58 am
704App wrote:
Sun Mar 03, 2024 9:11 pm
About the only thing I know about Everts is she politics with the state VERY well... Which is a reason why it's been teased 2025 is looking good for App with state budgets...
Sounds like she or her team may have dropped the ball when presenting the indoor facility, which is dragging way behind expected start date. And impacting everything else proposed to be built on that side of campus…
Was indoor facility on the table for state funding? Didn't think it was but no idea how any of this works.

It's been rumored other athletic facilities were not only on the table but also approved -- including the east facility.

No idea how this works but could pursuing the east facility funding be what slowed the indoor facility?
Regardless of state funding or not, the state has to approve large expenditures, and Sheri was on the hook to present the IPF in a previous BOG meeting and flubbed it. In the most recent BOG meeting, it was again on the agenda but not discussed. Now we’re looking at June to present again. That’s 8 months of screwing around because we (App leadership) messed up and thought it was a slam dunk and weren’t 100% buttoned up. And it wasn’t the AD who was in charge of presenting this to the BOG.

This is delaying the whole proposed constitution on the east side, including the tower. BOTs are on board, but the state still has a say.
Give 'em hell!

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Re: And once again

Unread post by appgrad95&97 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm

For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by AppSt94 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:54 pm

appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm
For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.
Didn’t you start this thread by making an unsubstantiated statement that our AD was looking for another job without any indication that it was factual?

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Re: And once again

Unread post by 704App » Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:06 pm

appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm
For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.
They released the painting to former athletes well before they released it to the public saying the state has agreed to fund it.

Now, I don't know anything about this project, but I was heavily involved with Holmes as a free labored student with a dream of working in college athletics. Renderings of Holmes were sent to former basketball players back in 89 with a similar message -- albeit, in a different location on campus. I know this for a fact because I was part of the student group that got all the addresses together for the former players, stuffed the envelopes, and sent them out.

My guess, something similar happened here since I have heard of multiple accounts of former athletes being told the state has agreed to fund it and rumors running afloat of the state being generous to App in the 2025 budgets.

I believe they absolutely had/have a plan and know in today's digital age, renderings draw up a lot of excitement. Strictly a guess though.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by Saint3333 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:34 pm

The revisionist history of the East Side funding has popped up in the lull before the SBC tournament I see. The key term used was "fully funded". It was not and continues to not be "fully funded".

Hope it happens and look forward to financially supporting the project.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by appgrad95&97 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:47 pm

AppSt94 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:54 pm
appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm
For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.
Didn’t you start this thread by making an unsubstantiated statement that our AD was looking for another job without any indication that it was factual?
I did. And when asked for evidence (why I think he is, I provided it). I don't blame him one bit for capitalizing on the success of our program. I have simply said, and believe, that keeping Kerns should be our top priority. I don't talk about inside information, I have absolutely ZERO inside information. But I read what is out there. Some of it seems reasonable, some of it seems ridiculous. But that Doug is linked to the open Missouri job has credibility to me. How is it wrong to point that out?

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Re: And once again

Unread post by BambooRdApp » Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:04 pm

AppSt94 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:54 pm
appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm
For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.
Didn’t you start this thread by making an unsubstantiated statement that our AD was looking for another job without any indication that it was factual?
Yes, that is correct and articulated it in a fashion that DG was looking with the word "sniffing".
Evidently, DG did not kiss the ring or recognize someone on a certain let's make it sound like DG is actively looking...
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Re: And once again

Unread post by appgrad95&97 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:23 pm

BambooRdApp wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:04 pm
AppSt94 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:54 pm
appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm
For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.
Didn’t you start this thread by making an unsubstantiated statement that our AD was looking for another job without any indication that it was factual?
Yes, that is correct and articulated it in a fashion that DG was looking with the word "sniffing".
Evidently, DG did not kiss the ring or recognize someone on a certain let's make it sound like DG is actively looking...
Let's play the game that gets played with me: do you actually know he is not actively looking? Obviously not. I used sniffing on purpose, to indicate I didn't know he was actively looking. But again, the Missouri AD job is open, he was at Missouri and I used the Google.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by AppSt94 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:21 pm

appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:47 pm
AppSt94 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:54 pm
appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm
For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.
Didn’t you start this thread by making an unsubstantiated statement that our AD was looking for another job without any indication that it was factual?
I did. And when asked for evidence (why I think he is, I provided it). I don't blame him one bit for capitalizing on the success of our program. I have simply said, and believe, that keeping Kerns should be our top priority. I don't talk about inside information, I have absolutely ZERO inside information. But I read what is out there. Some of it seems reasonable, some of it seems ridiculous. But that Doug is linked to the open Missouri job has credibility to me. How is it wrong to point that out?
The evidence that you provided was an opinion piece that clearly states that this is not an official list and that it is speculation based on connections to Mizzou.You didn’t state that you think he is. You took that article and made a statement that Doug was actively looking. Whether he is or not is not the question. The issue is the level of credence that you put into an article written as filler, with no formal basis of actual truth. Yet, when it comes to folks here that know what’s going on with App, you completely assume that it’s false because you can’t see it. You have zero proof that he is looking or is interested in the Mizzou job. When challenged, you respond with a how do you know he isn’t. The fact that you found this to be credible tells me all that I need to know about you. Bless your heart.

Yes Doug worked at Mizzou. And yes Drinkwitz came from App. But that relationship isn’t what the author thinks it is.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by appgrad95&97 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:32 pm

AppSt94 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:21 pm
appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:47 pm
AppSt94 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:54 pm
appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm
For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.
Didn’t you start this thread by making an unsubstantiated statement that our AD was looking for another job without any indication that it was factual?
I did. And when asked for evidence (why I think he is, I provided it). I don't blame him one bit for capitalizing on the success of our program. I have simply said, and believe, that keeping Kerns should be our top priority. I don't talk about inside information, I have absolutely ZERO inside information. But I read what is out there. Some of it seems reasonable, some of it seems ridiculous. But that Doug is linked to the open Missouri job has credibility to me. How is it wrong to point that out?
The evidence that you provided was an opinion piece that clearly states that this is not an official list and that it is speculation based on connections to Mizzou.You didn’t state that you think he is. You took that article and made a statement that Doug was actively looking. Whether he is or not is not the question. The issue is the level of credence that you put into an article written as filler, with no formal basis of actual truth. Yet, when it comes to folks here that know what’s going on with App, you completely assume that it’s false because you can’t see it. You have zero proof that he is looking or is interested in the Mizzou job. When challenged, you respond with a how do you know he isn’t. The fact that you found this to be credible tells me all that I need to know about you. Bless your heart.

Yes Doug worked at Mizzou. And yes Drinkwitz came from App. But that relationship isn’t what the author thinks it is.
No one will ever know who is on the actual Missouri list or if Doug wants to be. You KNOW that. I think he is sniffing around again. Just like after 2019. And I am sorry for bringing it up. I am sorry for expressing a concern. Now you need to apologize for being on the East side "funding secured" bandwagon.

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Re: And once again

Unread post by AppSt94 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 6:31 pm

appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:32 pm
AppSt94 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:21 pm
appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:47 pm
AppSt94 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:54 pm
appgrad95&97 wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:18 pm
For the last time: you should not believe people who say "funding secured" because they have inside information. In my opinion, no athletics department should be allowed to just take on debt without showing a real plan for servicing that debt. It was irresponsible to say that funding was secured on the East side when there was no indication in the public record that was true. 105 is over budget, the IPF doesn't seem to have the private support (yet) and the East side was a painting not a plan.
Didn’t you start this thread by making an unsubstantiated statement that our AD was looking for another job without any indication that it was factual?
I did. And when asked for evidence (why I think he is, I provided it). I don't blame him one bit for capitalizing on the success of our program. I have simply said, and believe, that keeping Kerns should be our top priority. I don't talk about inside information, I have absolutely ZERO inside information. But I read what is out there. Some of it seems reasonable, some of it seems ridiculous. But that Doug is linked to the open Missouri job has credibility to me. How is it wrong to point that out?
The evidence that you provided was an opinion piece that clearly states that this is not an official list and that it is speculation based on connections to Mizzou.You didn’t state that you think he is. You took that article and made a statement that Doug was actively looking. Whether he is or not is not the question. The issue is the level of credence that you put into an article written as filler, with no formal basis of actual truth. Yet, when it comes to folks here that know what’s going on with App, you completely assume that it’s false because you can’t see it. You have zero proof that he is looking or is interested in the Mizzou job. When challenged, you respond with a how do you know he isn’t. The fact that you found this to be credible tells me all that I need to know about you. Bless your heart.

Yes Doug worked at Mizzou. And yes Drinkwitz came from App. But that relationship isn’t what the author thinks it is.
No one will ever know who is on the actual Missouri list or if Doug wants to be. You KNOW that. I think he is sniffing around again. Just like after 2019. And I am sorry for bringing it up. I am sorry for expressing a concern. Now you need to apologize for being on the East side "funding secured" bandwagon.
Thank you for proving my point. You started off by saying he was looking around. Then you provided a link to an op Ed that you found credible. And now you are saying that we won’t know who is on the list. Well which is it?

The East side funding is secured. I explained it to you, as it was explained to me, along with what was holding up the process. It will be paid for without bonds. You don’t have to believe me. I don’t care.

I’m not looking for an apology. You weren’t stating a concern. You made an accusation that Doug was looking for a job and that he wasn’t focused on locking down Kerns. It is quite clear that you don’t know jack. Again. Bless your heart. I’m done with you. GTFOH troll.

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